No Mention Of The Rapture?Q. I just want to thank you and thank the Lord for blessing you with all the devotion you put into studying and teaching his word.
I have listened to all your messages and read your articles on the rapture. The Holy Spirit has lead you to doing a great job of studying the scriptures and coming up with your reasoning on the rapture coming at pre tribulation. You left no doubt in my mind as to agreeing with you fully, until I was listening to a pastor that was being interviewed about the rapture and his point of view was how he didn’t believe in any rapture of the church, and that even the scriptures don’t come right out and mention the word rapture in them. I even looked up rapture in the bible dictionaries, and the word rapture is not listed.
The pastor being interviewed did not convince me to change my mind, but I was just wondering why God left such a grey area when writing about his church being raptured from ones way to interpret it to another’s?
A. The timing of the Rapture of the Church is part of God’s secret wisdom that has to be kept from His great adversary for strategic reasons, and therefore it has to be kept from us as well. But although it is impossible for any man to know the exact day of its arrival in advance, we have been told clearly of its existence. (1 Cor. 15:51-52, 1 Thes. 1:10, 1 Thes. 4:16, Rev 3:10)
Any one who teaches that the word Rapture doesn’t appear in the Scriptures is counting on our ignorance. He hopes we don’t know that Rapture is a Latin word, whereas the New Testament was written in Greek . The Greek word from which it comes is harpazo, found in 1 Thes. 4:16 where it’s translated “caught up.” The Latin word for caught up is Rapture. You might tell him that Lucifer, another Latin word, doesn’t appear in the original Bible either, but no one would be silly enough to use that as an excuse to deny the devil’s existence.
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