Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gospel and the End Time Mission!

13.4 What is the gospel message?

What is the gospel message? Gospel means good news. What is this good news? Jesus has died for the sin of the world and He has given them His gift of righteousness. The gospel reveals the true righteousness of God that comes from Jesus. This is opposed to the righteousness of the law (Rom 3:21; Phil 3:9).

(Rom 1:16-17)
For I am not ashamed of the GOSPEL of Christ, for it is the power of God to SALVATION for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”

The true gospel is also called the “gospel of the grace of Christ” (Gal 1:6-9) or “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24). There is no other gospel acceptable before God. When the Galatian Church was swayed towards the law, Paul said that they were turning to a “different gospel” (Gal 1:6). He said that those who preached the law “pervert the gospel of Christ” (Gal 1:7).

We have to be clear about this truth because if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain (Gal 2:21).

The Full Gospel of Christ

The good news of the gospel is holistic. It is not just forgiveness of sins, but it is the message of love, peace, joy, healing, wholeness, protection, deliverance, etc. The root word for salvation, “sozo” in Greek, is all encompassing. This is the full gospel. It is also consistent with what we shared earlier – that our covenant promises cover every aspect our lives. Let us look at the good news that Jesus proclaimed.

(Luke 4:18)
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the GOSPEL to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed…”

Jesus’ gospel message includes good news for the poor (financial), healing of the brokenhearted (soul), freedom for captives of sin and Satan (spiritual), recovery of sight for the blind (physical) and liberty for the oppressed (spiritual, soul). God cares for us holistically.

13.3 We are the light of the world

Earlier we shared that God is life and God is love, but God is also light (1 John 1:5; John 8:12). Since God lives in us, we have light in us (Eph 5:8). Jesus said that you are the light of the world and you are to let your light shine before men.

(Matt 5:14-16)
“YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE BEFORE MEN…”

The Bible uses several important terms in its instructions pertaining to the great commission. Let us lay down these terms to expound on our calling with greater clarity.

Who do we represent? We are the ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor 5:20). It is a high calling as we represent the King of kings and the Lord of lords from the heavenly kingdom.

What is our function? God has given us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18). Our role is to tell the world that Christ has reconciled them to God (verse 19).

What is our message? We preach the remission of sins (Luke 24:47). God is not imputing their trespasses against them (2 Cor 5:19).

What is the proof that Christ lives? The early disciples were witnesses to the fact that Christ died and rose again on the third day (Luke 24:46-48; Acts 1:22). What about us? We can only be effective witnesses if we first experience the resurrected Christ in a living relationship. The Holy Spirit also helps to bear witness through signs and wonders (Heb 2:4).

How do they see the resurrected Christ? They see Christ through our lives. We are an epistle of Christ to be known and read by all men (2 Cor 3:2-3). The Life of Christ displayed in us is the light that shines in this world.

What is the desired outcome? Make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19). A disciple is a follower of Christ. We want to help people to receive salvation and to walk with Christ in the newness of life.

What is the follow up action? We are to teach the new disciples to follow everything that Christ has taught us through the Word. This will help to establish their faith in Christ (Matt 28:20).

13.2 Jesus gave the great commission

Jesus preached the gospel for 3 years. He taught and healed the sick. Before He ascended to heaven, He gave His disciples the great commission:

(Matt 28:19)
Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL THE NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…

God loves the world and desires for none to perish. He wants us, who have received His great love, to share it with those who do not know Him. God desires that the gospel be preached to all the nations before Jesus returns again. Every single lost sheep is precious. Luke 15:10 says that there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. God rejoices and delights in the salvation of the sinner.

We are the End-time Church

Do you know that we are living in the last days? Major prophecies have already been fulfilled, including Israel being restored as a nation in 1948 (Matt 24:32). The Internet age and the age of global air travel as prophesied in Daniel 12:4 are already at hand. We are becoming a cashless society and chip implants in humans for all types of transactions are already a reality (Rev 13:17). The stage has been set for the appearance of the anti-Christ.

Over the last 5 centuries, every major truth of God hidden in the Tabernacle of Moses has been restored to the Church through world revivals. Even today, as God is preparing the Church for the rapture – to enter boldly to the Throne of Grace – we are experiencing a powerful revival of the Gospel of Grace. Even as we prepare to meet the Bridegroom – Jesus – the Church is being pointed back to the Jesus through this revival.

We are the end-time Church that will be Raptured soon. We must share the gospel and do our part to fulfill the great commission as a response to His love and grace. Our immediate responsibility is to share with those around us.


We have finished the series on worship. I hope that you have enjoyed it. Today, we shall start on a new series on the topic of evangelism, a very popular topic among Christians.

When I was a student, a senior told me that I had to evangelize and win souls for God in order to get God’s affirmation – and get to heaven. As an impressionable teen, I was fired up to evangelize and even got one soul saved. But then I realized that I did not know what the Gospel message was all about. And after evangelizing zealously for weeks, trying hard to convert souls, I got burnt out. Have you been through that before?

Let’s launch into our discussion. Some people say that the purpose for our existence and the mission of the Church is to fulfill the great commission. That is only half the truth.

(Matt 28:19)
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…

Jesus said that we are to seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt 6:33). What is the kingdom of God? What is His righteousness? They are both related. Rom 14:17 defines the kingdom of God.

(Rom 14:17)
…for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

The kingdom of God is within us. It is experiencing righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. To experience God is to walk in relationship with Him. Our relationship with God is first priority for we were created to fellowship with Him. When we have experienced Him, we would be transformed to share His reality with others and to fulfill the great commission.

When we go for evangelism without a relationship, we are trying to expand the kingdom of God without first seeking to experience the kingdom of God. That will not work. We will be trying to get people into a religious system because we can only replicate what we have experienced (or what we have not). When we go through a religious routine, like me, we will soon we will be burnt out.

In this series, we share important revelations pertaining to fulfilling the great commission.

by Joshua Lye


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